
Hiking Boots, Your first purchase ASAP

You need sturdy boots to carry weight. Go to a camping store and tell the salesperson you will be carrying 50 pounds in your pack (you really will be carrying 40 pounds so relax if you panicked). The salesperson will show you what shoes are appropriate for hiking with weight. The boots support the ankles and have a strong sole for stability. When you find a pair you like, START WHEREING THEM!!! There is nothing worst then breaking in new boots on a trip. If you develop blisters, you are in pain for the duration of the trip till you get out. Believe me when I say this. I saw a hiker light his boots on fire in a parking lot when he got back to the car. These were brand new boots and he doused them in gas and set them ablaze. I have the pictures to prove it, and you know who you are.


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